Of course. As soon as you encounter any payment difficulties, the best thing to do is to contact the Legal Department to discuss it and find a solution.
Initially, a recovery procedure will be launched after three reminders.
This non-compliance can lead to an amicable judicial procedure, called Conciliation before the Justice of the Peace.
When you receive your reminder letter, you have 8 days from the date of the letter to pay the amount of your arrears specified in it. If you have payment difficulties, you must contact the legal department to find an amicable solution to settle it.
The legal department is an active service within the Maison Liégeoise that manages all debts, such as unpaid bills and rents.
In this case, you should disregard the reminder letter.
After 3 reminders, we will have the possibility to claim the entirety of your arrears through our Bailiff. And in some cases, your eviction from the accommodation to avoid this, you must regularize your financial situation. And above all, contact the dispute service as soon as possible.